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The Time I Pretended I Was A Robber Getting Away On a Draisine

Coming from a place where the 9-5 grind is the norm, and the closest you can get to nature is the patch of itchy grass and overgrown pothos plants spilling onto the concrete of the apartment grounds, Finland and its nature is something if not more breathtakingly beautiful when you first laid eyes on it.

This was not my first time encountering Finnish nature. But this is my first time taking in the beauty and it’s surrounding on a 25 km trip from Pomarkku to Pori, while pumping a loud, squeaky, old fashioned transportation device called a draisine down a railroad track, that we rented from the lovely folks of Satakunnan Elämysrautatie. It’s hard not to imagine you’re an old timey robber getting away from the long arm of the law.

We started our journey through the forest of pine trees and birch, or at least I think they were, since I am but a humble city folk. The further we went into the wooded area, the more and more I felt like I transported through a portal, as the trees created a tunnel like effect with their rows of greens. The air was fresh and the way the light filtered through the branches and leaves left a warmth on face and my urban soul. The people of Japan has a word for this type of scenery called ”Komorebi”. It’s hard not to feel a sense of romance as you watch the cloud passes by above the blue sky as the wind flows through your hair while speeding down the railway.

Our journey was straight forward but not without a few rest stops. My personal favorite on our way was the open fields of wheat that gleamed like gold in the sunlight as they swayed back and forth. The air smelled sweet and the wildflowers on the side of the track made the scenery feel like a set of a coming of age indie movie. We stopped to take pictures and ogle at our surrounding. I took a moment to burn the images into my head, and took in a deep breath so that I may close my eyes and remember this sense of peace and quietness for a long time.
We came across a few abandoned buildings, and obviously it wouldn’t be complete without a few derogatory graffiti. I gleefully posed in front of one for a picture, reclaiming the racist remark as my new rap album cover.

I love the fact that Finland has a right to roam law that allows their people to go anywhere that isn’t private properties. I’ll never forget how excited we were to find a hidden spring along our way with the most refreshing water I’d ever tasted. I also felt like a little bear as I forage for berries on the side of the tracks. It was so whimsical and the taste of wild raspberries lingered on my lips for the rest of the day.

Everything about the trip was so breathtakingly beautiful to me that I highly recommend outdoor enthusiasts to try at least once. You’ll never forget the warm embrace of the sun as you zip by among the trees, and the world just seemed so at peace. It’s a lasting impression that’s so serene, that I’ll always have in my memories when I sit at my desk grinding through the day.

Teksti - KitN // Kuvat - Emma


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